How Long Does It Take For CBD To Work On Dogs For Anxiety
When our pets are anxious, or something unexpected like thunder and lightning stress our furry friends, we instantly want to sooth them. While the use of CBD (cannabidiol) has increased in popularity among both humans and pets because of its potential to help manage stress and anxiety, it is still relatively new to many people.
Products such as CBD Calming Chews and CBD Quick Calm Melts are designed specifically for dogs to help our buddies during these anxious moments. While we all want our dog’s anxiety to subside immediately, it is common for people to ask how long does it take for CBD to work on dogs for anxiety? In this article, we will provide an understanding of the timeline for CBD to be effective and the factors that influence its effectiveness.
How Does CBD Help Dogs with Anxiety?
Pet parents are often more familiar with CBD for their own use than for their furry friend. Because of this, people often ask does CBD work for anxiety in dogs? And if it does, how does CBD work for anxiety in dogs?
Let’s explore both of these questions. CBD can help dogs with anxiety by interacting with their endocannabinoid system (ECS) to regulate stress responses and promote a sense of calm. The ECS plays a key role in maintaining balance (homeostasis) in the body, including regulating mood and stress.
CBD enhances the activity of receptors in the ECS, particularly CB1 and CB2 receptors, which can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. This might seem like a trip back to science class, but that is what CBD and it’s impact on the ESC is rooted in.
There’s no shortage of stressors in pup’s life, just like our own. Anxiety in dogs can stem from separation, loud noises, travel, or unfamiliar environments, and CBD is a natural, non-intoxicating option for managing these stressors. Common stressors for dogs include:
- Car and plane rides
- Trips to the groomers
- Thunderstorms and other loud noises
- Fireworks
- Vet visits
- Separation
- Dog park visits
- Change in routines
How Long Does It Take for CBD to Work on Dogs for Anxiety?
When your dog is stressed out, CBD can be a good option to help them manage anxiety. But if CBD is new to you or your dog, it is common to want to know how quickly does CBD calm anxiety?
The time it takes for CBD to work on dogs for anxiety can vary depending on several factors, including the dog's size, metabolism, the severity of anxiety, the method of administration, and the dosage given. However, here are some general guidelines for the common types of CBD products for dogs:
- Onset Time by Method of Administration:
- Oral (CBD Quick Calm Melts or CBD oils absorbed in the mouth sublingually): Effects can be felt within 20–60 minutes as the CBD is absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream through the dog’s mouth.
- Edibles (CBD Calming Chews, CBD bars or capsules): These can take longer, usually 30–120 minutes, as the CBD must pass through the dog’s digestive system.
Factors That Influence CBD’s Effectiveness for Dogs
Besides the type of product chosen, there are several factors that impact how long it takes for CBD to work on dogs for anxiety, including the dog’s size, their metabolism, dosage, the severity of their anxiety, efficacy of the product, dosage and the consistency of usage.
- Dog’s Size and Metabolism: Larger dogs will require higher doses than smaller ones, and some breeds with higher metabolisms will metabolize CBD faster and more efficiently.
- Dosage and Frequency of Use: The effectiveness of CBD also depends on the dose. Too little may not have any effect, while too much could cause side effects like drowsiness or upset stomach. It is important to follow the dosage guidelines on the package, and start with a lower dosage and work your way up.
- Dog’s Health and Severity of Their Anxiety: Underlying issues (e.g., liver or kidney problems) can affect how CBD is absorbed and processed. Also, acute conditions (like situational anxiety) may respond faster than chronic conditions, which may require more consistent use over time.
Tips for Faster Results When Using CBD for Dogs
There are a few things you can do to help get faster results. First, if you know there is likely to be a stressful event for your pup, give them CBD 30 minutes before a stressful event.
Second, choose high-quality, organic CBD products that are third party tested as these products are likely to be more effective. And last, use CBD in combination with other calming routines, like creating a quiet, comfortable space for your pup to relax.
Signs That CBD is Working on Your Dog
How do I know if my dog's CBD is working? The good news is that nobody knows your dog better than you! The following signs will help you know that CBD is having an impact:
- Reduced restlessness, pacing or other stress-induced behavior.
- Calm behavior during anxiety-inducing situations.
- Improved appetite or sleeping habits.
Your dog didn’t develop anxiety overnight, so helping them manage their stress and anxiety requires patience. Before giving your pup CBD, it is important to understand how it interacts with their endocannabinoid system and that CBD will be most effective if used consistently.
And, while there are many different factors that will impact how long it takes CBD to work for your dog’s anxiety, generally, CBD will take effect 30 to 120 minutes after it is administered, depending on the product used and last for 4 to 8 hours. But remember, CBD takes time to build in your dog’s system and may take 7 to 10 days to see a change in their behavior or anxiety.
How long do the effects of CBD last for dogs?
- The effects of CBD can last 4–8 hours, depending on the dose and the dog's individual response.
Can I give my dog CBD every day for anxiety?
- Yes, and in fact, CBD works best when it is taken consistently and builds in the dog’s system. Because of this, it may take up to 7-10 days to see a noticeable change in your dog’s behavior and anxiety.
How do I know if my dog's CBD is working?
- Look for signs such as being calmer and having a more relaxed demeanor or fewer stress-related behaviors or symptoms. Also, remember that CBD is most effective when used on a consistent basis.
How quickly does CBD work for dog anxiety?
- Depending on the type of CBD product used, effects will be felt by the dog within 30 to 120 minutes. For more chronic forms of anxiety, it may take 7 to 10 days to start to notice a change in your dog’s behavior and anxiety.
How Long Does It Take CBD Dog Chews To Work?
- Because CBD Calming Chews are ingested and have to be digested, it will 30 minutes to 2 hours for your dog to start to feel the effects. For faster impact, products like CBD Quick Calm Melts which are absorbed in the mouth and have a higher CBD dosage will have a faster impact.