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Kradle All Day Calming Bone

Keep your dog busy for an extended period of time with this unique occupying toy.


Where to Buy Kradle®

Shop the way you love! Kradle is available at major retailers nationwide and on popular e-commerce platforms.


for all dog sizes and breeds

Perfect Portioning

by dog weight

Quality Ingredients

with natural flavoring and NO artificial colors

The Only Brand with BotaniTek™

Kradle products rely on the blend of nature and science working together. Our BotaniTek™ formulation is the backbone of all our products, developed through proven scientific methodology and exceptionally high standards. BotaniTek™ is a proprietary blend of pure ingredients like GABA, Ashwagandha, Passionflower, and more.


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Giving Back to Rescue Heroes

Kradle is giving back to animal shelters everywhere and making adoption easier for all.

The transition from shelter to home is stressful for pets and parents. Shelters, rescues, and pet parents are using Kradle to reduce stress during this time and help dogs adjust to their forever home. Nominate your favorite animal welfare organization to receive free Kradle product and reduce stress in rescue dogs.

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is a natural compound found in the hemp plant that has been shown to support health and wellness in both humans and dogs. In this video we break down how CBD is VERY DIFFERENT from THC which can be toxic for dogs.

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is a natural compound found in the hemp plant that has been shown to support health and wellness in both humans and dogs. In this video we break down how CBD is VERY DIFFERENT from THC which can be toxic for dogs.

Calming Dog Blog

  • July 24, 2024 Is an Online Vet Appointment Right for Your Dog?
    Regular veterinary care is essential for dogs' health and well-being, but many pet owners dread the thought of visiting the office. Finding time to schedule an appointment and paying for the costs can bring stress, and many dogs become distressed and display troublesome behaviors at the vet. 
  • July 23, 2024 What You Should Know About Your Dog’s Mental Health
    The last few decades have seen a growing awareness about mental health issues in people, but what about our furry friends? Can dogs have mental health problems, too? 
  • July 11, 2024 Dog-Friendly Summer Activities and Events for Your Pup

    With warm weather and long days, summer is the perfect time to get out and experience the joy of having new experiences with your furry friend. In addition to enjoyment, engaging in dog activities in the summer brings opportunities for your pooch to benefit from exercise, mental stimulation and social interactions, and there are a wealth of fun, dog-friendly activities that you can participate in. This guide provides ideas for dog activities to do in summer weather with your pet to help you plan for the season. 

    Summer Festivals and Fairs for Dogs 

    Many cities across the U.S. and Canada host fairs and festivals designed exclusively for dogs and their human companions. These events include Woofstock in Toronto, Ontario; Bluegrass Pugfest in Louisville, Kentucky; Bark by the Bay in University Place, Washington; West Fest in Chicago, Illinois; Bark in the Park summer activities that take place in many U.S. cities and countless others. 

    Activities at Festivals 

    While the themes of summer festivals for dogs vary, they all have one thing in common: they're packed with fun activities for dogs and people alike. Many feature dog parades, where canine attendees can strut their stuff, and dog costume contests that allow pet parents to get creative and design one-of-a-kind outfits for their pooches.

    Other dog-friendly activities you may find at summer dog festivals include interactive games, obstacle courses and dog parks for socializing. 

    In addition to activities, most dog festivals attract vendors who specialize in pet-friendly products, such as gourmet foods, handcrafted tools and artsy clothing, collars and leashes. Some even have food trucks that cater to both people and pets. 

    Tips for Attending 

    To fully enjoy your time traveling to a large summer dog festival, follow these tips: 

    • Plan to stop frequently along your route for potty breaks and exercise if you're driving 
    • Contact your airline to determine the rules for air travel if you're flying 
    • Use travel apps to search for pet-friendly hotels and vacation rentals 
    • Be sure that your dog's vaccinations are up-to-date before the big trip 
    • Bring along a travel bowl or teach your dog to drink from a water bottle, so that they can stay hydrated at the festival 
    • Before the event, spend time socializing your dog by taking them to your local dog park 
    • Monitor your dog closely throughout the event, especially if off-leash play is permitted 


    Enrichment Activities for Dogs in Summer 

    You don't need to wait for a festival to enjoy fun activities for dogs. There are many ways to get your dog exercising their body and mind close to home. 


    Outdoor Enrichment Ideas 

    Fun dog activities can be a simple as exploring a new outdoor setting together. National, state and local parks provide wide open spaces for running and playing, while public dog-friendly beaches let pooches splash, dig in the sand and enjoy the company of people and other pets. Many parks are home to hiking trails geared toward dogs. These pathways usually cut through shaded areas and are lined with hydration stations where both people and pets can get refreshed with a cool drink of water. 

    Water-Based Activities 

    Summer is the perfect time for dogs to make a splash. Swimming is a fun way to promote dog fitness, and you can find opportunities for swimming at pet-friendly public pools, lakes, rivers and beaches. Some areas even organize dog paddle competitions that give pooches a chance to socialize while they swim. As you plan for your water-based outings, check out our tips on water safety to protect your pet. 

    Creative Summer Activities 

    With a little creativity, you can enjoy summer activities with your dog right in your own backyard. Consider constructing a DIY obstacle course for your fur baby to navigate. Grab a Frisbee or other dog-friendly throwing toy and play a game of catch. Add mental stimulation into the outdoor fun with interactive toys and treat puzzle toys. Even simply filling a baby pool with water can and letting your dog splash around can provide hours of enjoyment. 


    Dog-Friendly Summer Events in Your Area 

    Keep an eye on your community calendars for pet-friendly events in your area. Many towns now host dog-friendly activities during the summer months, such as: 

    • Dog parades 
    • Breed-specific dog play dates 
    • Dog costume contests 
    • Dog obstacle courses 
    • Dog training events 
    • Doggie food festivals 
    • Dog swimming courses 
    • Dog-friendly river and lake cruises 
    • Live music festivals that welcome pets 
    • "Dog and me" hikes and nature walks 
    • Arts and crafts festivals with dog-friendly activities 


    Planning Your Visit 

    Even if you won't have to travel far to join in the fun of a local dog event, be sure to come prepared. Check to see if the event sells food for dogs, and if not, plan to bring a long a nutritious meal or snack to keep your pup fueled for all the dog activities. Bringing a travel bowl will also allow you to keep them hydrated on the go. Also, take steps to protect your pooch from the sun during the festival with sunscreen, booties and other protective gear. 

    Getting Involved 

    If your schedule permits, consider joining the planning team for dog-friendly events in your area. By donating your time and talents, you can help contribute to the success of events. In addition, getting involved with planning committees and organizations can give you the opportunity to make friendships with fellow pet owners and dog lovers. In the future, these connections may lead to play dates and outings with other people and pooches that both you and your dog can benefit from. 

    Wrapping Up the Dog-Friendly Summer Activities 

    As you can see, there's no shortage of fun activities for dogs that you can share with your pooch in your community and your own backyard.

    By selecting a few to share in this summer, your dog can exercise, socialize and receive mental stimulation, as you foster an even stronger between the two of you. Start researching activities in your area today and get ready to create some cherished memories all summer long. 

  • July 11, 2024 How to Best Care for Your Older Dog

    Whether you've adopted a senior dog or your pooch has reached the senior stage of life, you want to be sure that you're doing everything you can to keep your furry friend happy and healthy. While senior dog care is largely similar to caring for younger pups, older dogs do have some unique needs in terms of nutrition, behavior management, comfort and health care. Read on to learn more about caring for your dog during their golden years, so that you can take a proactive role in supporting the highest possible quality of life for them. 

    Nutrition and Health 

    Good nutrition is the foundation for good health in older dogs. That means finding the best dog food for older dogs based on your pet's unique dietary needs and giving your pet any supplements for older dogs that your veterinarian recommends. 


    Choosing the Best Food for Older Dogs 

    Because activity levels often decline with age, senior dogs often need fewer calories per day. Specially formulated senior dog foods can help ensure that you're meeting your dog's caloric needs to support weight management. Options include: 

    • Dry kibble: Senior kibble are often formulated with senior-specific nutrients and are easy to serve, especially when you're on the go 
    • Wet food: Thanks to their higher moisture content, wet foods can help older dogs stay hydrated 
    • Homemade diets: With careful planning, you can prepare your senior dog's food at home. Be sure to consult with your vet for guidance about what to include and what portion size is right for your pooch. 

    Remember, there is no single best food for older dogs. Which food is ideal for your pet will depend on their activity level and health history. That's why it's important to talk to your vet when developing a diet for your dog. Also, be sure to let your vet know if your dog's eating habits change. If an older dog is suddenly hungry all the time or shows a lack of interest in food, a health condition may be to blame. 


    Supplements for Older Dogs 

    Supplements can address nutrient deficiencies and health concerns in senior dogs. Some common dog supplements include: 

    • Glucosamine and chondroitin: Naturally occurring substances, these supplements are often taken together to support joint health and mobility. 
    • Omega-3 fatty acids: Derived primarily from fish and shell fish, omega-3 fatty acids may reduce inflammation and support coat and skin health. 
    • Multivitamins: These balanced blends of vitamins and minerals help ensure comprehensive nutrient intake, especially if your dog struggles to eat a well-balanced diet. 

    Keep in mind that not all dogs require supplements. Before starting your dog on any product, ask your vet if it's right for your pet. 


    Behavioral Changes and Training 

    As dogs age, new behaviors may emerge. Fortunately, you can take steps to manage behaviors through smart strategies and training. 


    Handling Increased Appetite 

    Although a sudden increase in appetite can indicate a medical condition, many senior dogs do seek out food more often simply because of changes to their digestive system.

    Often, older dogs absorb fewer nutrients and their reduced activity levels can slow down their metabolisms, leading to an increase in hunger. To manage an always-hungry pooch: 

    • Divide your dog's daily serving of dog food into small portions and provide more frequent meals 
    • Measure portion sizes at each meal carefully to support weight management 
    • Choose low-calorie treats to avoid weight gain 
    • Redirect your dog with activities if you suspect they're eating out of boredom 


    How to Train an Older Dog 

    Contrary to the cliché, it is possible to teach an old dog new tricks or to train away unwanted behaviors in senior dogs. To do so: 

    • Keep training sessions short 
    • Start off with simple commands 
    • Use positive reinforcement, such as praise and low-calorie treats 
    • Be patient. It may take older dogs longer to master new commands 
    • Make training fun by including gentle exercises and mind-strengthening games like treat puzzles 
    • Consider attending a dog obedience class for extra support 


    Can You Crate Train an Older Dog? 

    Many pet parents wonder how to crate train an older dog with separation anxiety and worry that it might not even be possible. The good news is that you absolutely can. In fact, many people find it easier to crate train senior dogs than puppies.

    To do so, allow your dog to gradually become familiar with the crate. Serve their meals in it with the door open and then try closing the door eventually. Slowly build up the number of minutes that your dog stays in the crate, and lavish them with affection and praise when crate time is over.

    Check out how anxiety dog training plays a role too! 


    Comfort and Physical Support 

    Age-related changes and medical issues, such as tremors in older dogs, can lead to pain, stiffness and reduced mobility in senior pups. By prioritizing comfort, you can help your dog rest well and navigate your home more easily and safely. 


    Choosing the Right Dog Bed 

    Having a special place to snooze is important for senior pooches. Depending on your pet's preferences and needs, you may wish to consider one of the following types of dog beds for older dogs: 

    • Orthopedic beds: With their unique designs, these beds provide extra support for achy joints and pressure points. 
    • Heated beds: For older dogs that are prone to shivers or suffer from poor circulation, a heated bed can be a big help. 
    • Elevated beds: Dogs with mobility issues can ease in and out of these raised beds without putting excess strain on their joints. 


    Physical Comfort Aids 

    Dogs with mobility issues may also benefit from: 

    • Dog ramps: Indoor and outdoor ramps placed over stairs can keep dogs mobile. 
    • Dog stairs: Place stairs near the sofa or your bed to help your dog access furniture without having to jump. 
    • Elevated bowls: Decrease bending at meal time with raised bowls. 

    You may also want to switch to a softer brush or grooming glove for your at-home grooming sessions. These grooming aids help to support circulation and distribute natural oils to support skin and coat health. 


    Ensuring a Happy and Healthy Life for Your Older Dog 

    By prioritizing nutrition, behavior management, comfort and health care, you can help your senior dog maintain a high quality of life.  

    Talk to your veterinarian about what specific steps you should take to meet your older dog's needs, and keep a close eye on your pooch for changes in behavior between visits.

    Be sure to report any new behaviors, such as urinating or defecating indoors or heavy panting in older dogs. By making simple adjustments to your senior dog's diet, routine and home environment, you can help them stay happy and healthy. 

    Kradle’s here to help, check out our selection of calming chews and cbd for dogs today! 


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